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Mosquito Control Information

Mosquito Control Information, Princeton ILThe City of Princeton in its continuing efforts to control the mosquito population in the community would like to offer the following information to residents of the city.

During the summer months, city crews will be spraying for mosquitoes periodically. This adulticiding (control of adult mosquitoes) will be done as weather conditions permit. The proper times and weather conditions are very important to control. Spraying will start no earlier than dusk and no later than midnight. The city will be divided into two sections (East of Main Street and West of Main Street), sprayed during a two night period, and as frequently as needed to control this pest.

To help residents understand more about the mosquito, it is important to understand its life cycle. Mosquitoes are classified into the order Diptera (true flies) and have four distinct stages (egg, larva, pupa, and adult). Female mosquitoes lay their eggs on water or moist substrates such as soil and the interior walls of tree holes, cans, and old tires that are likely to be flooded by water. The larvae and pupae stages are aquatic with the larva hatching within 3 to 5 days. The adult mosquito emerges from the pupal case and rests on the water’s surface until its body dries and its exoskeleton hardens. Female mosquitoes require a blood meal before they can lay eggs, so only female mosquitoes bite. They bite every few days during their entire adult lives, which may last several weeks.

The following tips can help to reduce your risk of being bitten by a mosquito.

  • Make sure window and door screens are "bug tight".
  • Use the proper type of light outside: incandescent lights attract mosquitoes, whereas fluorescent lights neither attract nor repel mosquitoes.
  • Stay indoors at dawn, dusk, and in the early evening when mosquitoes are most active. If you must go outdoors, wear a long-sleeve shirt and long pants, preferably in a light color because mosquitoes are attracted to darker colors.
  • Insect repellents when applied (sparingly) to exposed skin deter mosquitoes from biting. Spray thin clothing with repellent because mosquitoes can bite through thin clothing. The American Academy of pediatrics recommends that repellents used on children contain no more than 10% DEET, the active ingredient in mosquito repellents. Be sure to follow all directions on product labels.

Finally, residents are encouraged to participate in preventative measures, including these:

  • Collect and properly discard all useless artificial containers such as tin cans, bottles, buckets, vases, and old tire casings.
  • In the spring, inspect and clean rain gutters and downspouts; if they are blocked by leaves or other debris, they can hold water.
  • Stack pails, barrels, tubs, vases, wheelbarrows, and similar containers upside down so water does not accumulate in them.
  • Cover or store canoes and boats upside down.
  • Stock garden pools and lily ponds with small fish, such as bait minnows.
  • Fill or drain any low places where water may stand for more than a week. Consult the appropriate regulatory agencies before filling any wetlands.
  • Empty and clean small wading pools and birdbaths at least once each week.
  • Properly maintain backyard swimming pools to discourage the development of mosquitoes by draining and covering any pool not in use so that rainwater and leaves do not accumulate in it. Also, be sure the cover does not hold pockets of water.
  • Drain livestock water tanks once each week.
  • Cover rain barrels, cisterns, or fire barrels with 16 mesh wire screening.
  • Install splash blocks around homes to carry water away from foundations.

Clark AquaDUET™ Ingredients

Facts regarding chemicals used:

  • Very, very low toxicity to humans and large animals
  • breaks down quickly with no residual effects
  • quick knock-down of adult mosquitoes
  • non-corrosive, water based
  • low odor
  • View Active Ingrediants
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